La decima edizione del Bodrum International Ballet Festival, organizzato dal Ministero della Cultura e del Turismo della Repubblica di Turchia – Direzione Generale della State and Opera Ballet, si svolgerà dall’8 al 24 agosto 2012. Il programma di quest’anno apre con la Turkish State and Opera Ballet che presenta il giorno 8 agosto lo spettacolo Love of Bodrum; a seguire ecco la Istanbul State Opera and Ballet con I dolori del Giovane Werther il giorno 11 agosto; i giorni 14 e 15 agosto è la volta della Izmir State Opera and Ballet con Zorba il Greco, con ospite d’eccezione il ballerino russo Irek Mukhamedov; il 18 agosto sarà in scena Harem della Ankara State and Opera Ballet; il 21 agosto seguirà la Compagnia di Antonio Gades con Blood Wedding – Suite Flamenca; chiuderà il Festival il 24 agosto la Ankara State and Opera Ballet Modern Dance Company con Sogno di una Notte di Mezza Estate. Tutte le performance, che inizieranno alle 21.45, si svolgeranno all’interno del Castello di Bodrum.
Simbolo della città, il castello viene chiamato anche Castello di San Giovanni e fu costruito su una penisola rocciosa circondata per tre lati dal mare, situata fra due porti. I Cavalieri di San Giovanni iniziarono la sua costruzione nel 1406 con il permesso di Mehmet Çelebi. Per i lavori di ampliamento del castello, effettuati nel tempo, vennero usate le pietre del famoso Mausoleo di Alicarnasso (antico nome della città) crollato in seguito ad un terremoto. L’edificio, usato per un periodo come carcere, con l’annessione di un hammam alla fine del XIX secolo, acquisì le caratteristiche di struttura ottomana. Oggi ospita il famoso Museo di Architettura Subacquea, il primo museo del genere in Turchia, visitato da migliaia di turisti all’anno. Nel Museo, che nel 1995 ha ricevuto il premio di “Elogio Speciale” durante il Concorso Europeo del Museo dell’Anno, si possono ritrovare importanti reperti dell’Era Neolitica, dell’Età del Bronzo e dell’epoca Uluburun; inoltre vi sono rari oggetti di vetro e la tomba e gli oggetti personali di Ada, principessa della Caria.
10th International Bodrum Ballet Festival

As being the General Directorate of State Opera and Ballet,  we have been bringing  together topnotch artistic quality events and  artlovers from various countries at exceptional historic sites within the festivals  we organize in our country’s prominent tourism centers.Bodrum International Ballet Festival which is realized for the 9th time this year at Bodrum, our country’s vacation resort known for its exclusive beauty, has gratified us by solid involvement of artlovers and with artistic quality raising every passing year together with the  rapture it has created.The festival bearing the quality of being the first and only ballet festival of our country, has overtaken a position of earning the attention and acclaim from not only the art organizations but also from  public with its international level it reached today.
Being a symbol for Bodrum, the castle is utilized as Museum of Underwater Archaeology at present (Castle of Saint Peter).
Bodrum Castle was constructed on a rocky area set in between two harbours. This area was an island at first in the ancient age and later joined to the city and became a peninsula.
The castle of Knights of St. John, constructed in between the dates of 1406 – 1523, has a square-like plan and its dimensions are 180x185m. There are towers called with various countries’ names within the inner part of fortress. The tallest one is French Tower with a height of 47.50m from sea level.  Other towers are Italian Tower, German Tower, Snake Tower and English Tower.
Apart from the east wall, other sections of the castle were reinforced with double main outer walls. The inner castle is reached through 7 gates. There are arms placed above the gates, decorated with crucifixes, flat or horizontal straps, dragon and lion figures. There are 14 cisterns within the inner castle, including the one excavated under the chapel. Castle blockhouse, through in between double walls, suspended bridge, control tower and the sultan’s signature of Mahmud II are among outstanding sections of the castle.
Bodrum castle gained the Ottoman characteristic with a public bath within the period the castle had been used as a prison at the end of 19th century.
The castle is being used as Museum of Underwater Archaeology at present days. Items being in the collections of Museum are exhibited in the Turkish Bath, Amphora exhibit, East Roman Ship, Glass Hall, Sunken Glass, Coin and Jeweller Hall, Hall of Carian Princess, English Tower, Torture and Carnage Rooms and German Tower. Also, performances are held in open spaces within the castle constructed on an area of 33.5 acres.The Museum was awarded with “Special Glory” reward in the competition of Museum of the Year organized in Europe in 1995.