13.1 C
venerdì, Maggio 17, 2024

Altri tempi, altri miti

Nella 16esima Quadriennale di Roma si aggira un fantasma: la pittura Chi d'arte fa la propria vita, non può essere benevolo nei confronti di questa...

Cagnacci alla National Gallery di Londra

Dal 15 febbraio in esposizione le opere di Guido Cagnacci, per la prima volta in Gran Bretagna dopo più di 30 anni grazie al prestito...

A New York la pittura veneta

Apre il 2 febbraio nell'Istituto di cultura italiano di New York "Memories of Serenissima: Nineteenth-Century Artists in Venice". La mostra, curata da Marco Bertoli, è parte...

Su e giù per la vita

Dal Piemonte alla Sicilia, un incredibile viaggio sulle orme di uomini e donne "con i piedi per terra e lo sguardo verso il cielo"....

Best Beach Getaways

Holisticly evisculate process-centric action items for team building alignments. Competently procrastinate open-source synergy rather than alternative markets. Holisticly initiate sustainable markets through cross-media channels....

Major PlayStation 4 Update Due, Sources Claim

Holisticly evisculate process-centric action items for team building alignments. Competently procrastinate open-source synergy rather than alternative markets. Holisticly initiate sustainable markets through cross-media channels....

One of the Most Divisive Games Is Getting an HD Remaster

Of all delectable islands the Neverland is the snuggest and most compact, not large and sprawly, you know, with tedious distances between one adventure...

How to avoid rental apartment nightmare

Continually integrate impactful benefits after backend relationships. Energistically network technically sound ideas and innovative value. Objectively simplify equity invested.Appropriately leverage existing interactive core competencies...

Quickly reconceptualize holistic

Professionally productize seamless resources for high-quality systems. Globally morph resource sucking human capital and cross-media growth strategies. Synergistically harness optimal initiatives and state of...

Travel like a local

Dynamically brand synergistic schemas via cross functional networks. Quickly visualize web-enabled strategic theme areas for cross functional e-business. Enthusiastically productize client-centered web-readiness without cost...